
Click here to download Making Fabric Postcards (PDF file)

These instructions were written for our family postcard exchange. There are lots of different ways to make these, this is just how I do it.

If you have problems opening the above link, right click on it and save it to your computer and then open it. Email me with any questions or problems at

The following are postcards I’ve made for our family exchange, there are NOT specific instructions for making these cards.



sunflower pc

6 thoughts on “Postcards

  1. Wendy Wilson

    This is a neat way to use up small pieces of special fabrics if there isn’t enough to make a bowl, box, or quilt block! I plan on doing some of these. I found some peltex I’d bought for something (can’t remember what!), so maybe I can just make some to have ready when I need one!
    Where do you get the clear envelopes, though?


  2. Theresa Fjeldheim

    This is –BY FAR — the BEST directions for making postcards that I’ve read. You covered each section in very clear detail. Now I can actually use the pattern that I bought more than a year ago. Thank You!


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